Bagamoyo District welcomes TaMCare

Coast Region and Bagamoyo District Leadership, has welcomed the birth of a new non-governmental organization, the Tanzania Marriage and Child Care Foundation (TaMCare) in the Region and Bagamoyo District respectively. The Bagamoyo DAS said the birth of the organization dealing with marriage and child care came at the right time when Bagamoyo residents and Tanzanians in general needed guidance to reduce marriage and pre-marital conflicts which left thousands of mothers and fathers to lead a single parent family.

DED welcomed TaMCare Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Enock Mlyuka in her office. The latter went to introduce his organization to the district authorities. The district leaders urged TaMCare to undertake rapid needs assessment on the state of rape in Bagamoyo township and district in general as there were alarming incidents of rape. “Please, conduct a study on the issue of rape in Bagamoyo, it has reached at unproportional level and come up with a feasible intervention”, urged DAS. 

In his response, Rev.Dr. Mlyuka promised to work closely with the district and will see the possibility of undertaking the study on the magnitude of the problem once resources were available in his organization.