What we do


Training and coaching on life skills, parenting skills, entrepreneurship skills and income generating activities for schools, colleges, smaller and individual family members and groups like vicoba;


Conduct pre-and post-marital counseling, orientation and guidance for needy individuals, couples, single parents and institutional staff;


Provide psychosocial counseling on sexual and reproductive health, HIV testing, care and treatment services and living life-style and post-traumatic situations for survivors of harmful traditional and social practices, gender-based violence and family conflicts;


Conducting plenary and specific group workshops, seminars and symposia for faith institutions, government, private sector institutions on family matters to reduce stress, trauma and emotions that affect production and cohesion;


Develop and disseminate literature and social and behavior change communication materials on marriage and family re-union, child care, support and development; lost to follow couples affected by HIV status and non-compliance to treatment and care at health service provider outlets;


Organize special customer-cared retreats for single mothers, fathers, parents, families, religious and lay people on child care and parenting;


Advocate for institutionalization of Single Parents Day in Tanzania;


Participate in local, national and international conferences, events and workshops as well as exhibitions to share lessons and experiences with others;


Conduct seminars and groups discussions with out of school and higher learning female and male students on how to venture into relationships that leave one stress and emotion, stigma-free.